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NIGHT WALKER 夜行者 The Album

An original album by Neil CHUA -

Open your mind, ears and heart and enjoy the different tunes of the ruan and find your own escape.

An immersive journey awaits as you journey through the five stages of the night. Open your mind, cast away the norms, let your imagination runs wild. Hear the ruan like you never hear before. Feel the music as it tickles through the night.

Night Walker 夜行者 The Album is dedicated to Racial Harmony Day 2021.

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Exclusively for SGinHarmony, you can now watch Night Walker 夜行者 a site specific production for FREE and experience the emotional journey of the Musician as he embarks on his new creation. In our parallel time and space, the daily life can be routine. What happens when the unknown happens? How do you cope? As the sun sets, Night arrives. Intrigued by the ruan, what will happen to Night? What will happen to the Musician? As they journey through the night, what will they discover?

The free public viewing has ended. Thank you for your support. For more information on Night Walker, please click here.

Neil Chua 蔡为仲

Composer, Ruan 作曲 , 阮

Neil is the first and youngest musician in Shanghai Conservatory of Music to receive a Master Degree in Music - Ruan (阮). His ability to bond different cultures into his music led to an invitation to participate in the highly acclaimed international music exchange programme OneBeat 2014 organised by the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs to interact, educate and promote Ruan (阮) to students and musicians from around the world.

His passion for cultural music also earns him a place in Cello Maestro Mr. Yoyo Ma’s Silkroad’s Global Musicians Workshop where globally minded musicians engaged in learning from one another’s traditions and incorporating them into their own artistic voices. His dedication to the traditional arts led him to be the first artist-in-residency for the inaugural National Arts Council Stamford Arts Centre Traditional Arts Residency Programme.

Neil is also the Founder of RuanAtWorkz Musical Arts (R.A.W.), a Charity which promotes traditional culture, music, art and other form of traditional values

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蔡为仲以卓越的成绩毕业于上海音乐学院并授予文学(音乐)硕⼠学位,系该院首位阮演奏硕⼠。他带有着鲜明的演奏风格,常与不同领域的艺术家们进⾏着实验与合作,又擅将不同⽂化元素融合到自⼰的作品中,也为其作品树立了独特之处。他曾受邀参与美国国务院教育与文化事务局所发起的国际音乐交流计划“OneBeat 2014”和大提琴家马友友先生所号召的”丝绸之路全球音乐家工作坊”等国际交流,并把阮带到了国际舞台与外国民众、学⽣乃⾄来自世界各地的艺术家们分享了阮的艺术魅力。此外,他为新加坡艺术理事会遴选⼊驻史丹福艺术中⼼传统艺术驻馆计划的首位艺术⼯作者,也是䪭乐房(R.A.W.) 的创始人。

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Music Arrangement & Production Huang Peh Linde | Recording & Mixing Huang Peh Linde

Special Thanks to — Cultural Matching Fund, Hong Leong Foundation, National Arts Council, The Harmony Fund, Tote Board Arts Grant, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre